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Allgenericpills provides 100% guarantee on all the services it offers to its customers. In cases where the customer receives their order in a damaged condition, they can apply for a refund or change of product. Such a request should be initiated by the customer within 8 weeks after receiving the order. But once the refund or replacement request is accepted, it is guaranteed by the company.
In instances where the product fails its delivery date schedule by 7 days, we guarantee the complete refund of our customer’s money. A refund guarantee is also given where the customer wants to return back the product without using it provided he meets certain rules.
Guarantees work on a request basis only, and the request has to be initiated by the customer. In cases of a partial order, the remaining amount is refunded back the customer.
In case of partial orders which are requested by the customers for a refund Allgenericpills charge according to the products received by the customer. We also guarantee our customers that the products ordered by them will reach within 20 to 30 days. But on certain emergency situations like a natural calamity or a disaster, this guarantee would not apply. It is important to note that the probability of occurrence of such events is rare.
In cases of delay or hold during shipping or transit, we also inform customers via a notification in the form of an e-mail. In case the customer does not receive any such notification the customer should reach us by sending a ticket in refund section on our website page. We would ensure that issues are addressed on a priority basis.
For any other queries related to order dispatch or if you want to know about the status of your order, please visit our ‘Support’ section on Allgenericpills website:-